Some of you might be wondering why The Daily Garb is something about which I feel is worth writing. There are a million answers to this question but perhaps this little piece of information might give you a better understanding:
I wear scrubs to work. EVERYDAY.
Not only this but from Kindergarten through 12th grade I wore a uniform to school. Fashion has never played a major role in my life.
Yes, it's really nice sometimes to role out of bed and throw on a comfy pair of scrubs- but trust me, it gets old. I remember the first day at my job when all I could think about was how special I would feel walking to and from work in my uniform. I imagined people on the street looking at me with complete revere and confidence that when I was near them their lives were not in peril. I pictured children quite literally looking up to me wondering what type of medicine I practiced and how many lives I had saved that day...I was an ER nurse, a doctor, a savior, a hero to the community.
Look how important and serious they are!
Two things completely burst my bubble.
1. I work in a dental office.
It quickly became clear that not only did no one care what I was wearing, but these scrubs seriously made me blend into the masses of unimportant people. I began to notice the business savvy people who confidently power-walked down the street to their distinguished corporate jobs.
These people are the real heroes, I thought. Just look how they exude success and power, toting their heels in their over sized purses so they don't get scuffed on the walk.
These individuals are what they wear...(and I'm wearing "scrubs"...fantastic).
The coup de grace was one day when I was walking home and I noticed a crowd outside of a convenience store. As I got closer it became clear that there was some kind of medical emergency going on.
This was an "oh shit" moment for me.
Turns out there was a homeless man having a seizure on the sidewalk.
I completely tried to avert my eyes as to not get called over to save his life. Miraculously, for the first time like EVER, I was the only person wearing scrubs in a 50 mile radius.
I sped up my pace as someone grabbed my arm and said, "You're a nurse, do something!"
I just looked at her like, "Um I'm not a nurse, but his premolars look great!"
Thank Gd the ambulance arrived just then.
Remember when I described feeling like a superior being while wearing scrubs...well I felt like the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of that when this happened.
Needless to say I now change into my uniform top when I arrive at work as an attempt to hide my health care provider identity from the public.
So this is why I need to spend my non-working hours dressing to success. I like the idea of my outfit reflecting inner confidence. True, I can still be confident in scrubs, but as a creative person fashion is another medium through which I can express myself.