Monday, May 24, 2010

Sleepy Yuppy

There is a chance I might fall asleep while writing this post, just as a heads up. If you see "8u y7t66u7 ji" it means I face planted into my keyboard (I know this because I just experimented by rubbing my face on the keys...not weird).

Tomorrow I have a monster half day of work followed by a three hour drive to and from a school orientation meeting. Obviously I spent about two hours picking out something to wear.
The fashion goal was 'responsible and attractive young professional'. My first few attempts came out as frumpy soccer mom and hobo chic.

Finally, several roommate opinions later (she failed) and a very long Skype conversation with my Mom I decided on this:

The pants are actually cotton khakis even though they look like corduroys in this picture. Also:

-Notepad, CHECK

-Painted toenails CHECK

-Fruits and Passion Perfume CHECK

-Complete confidence in the young professional future-me...*gulp* CHECK?


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