Friday, May 28, 2010

Waterworks and Rainboots

I'm back! Sorry for the four day writing hiatus. I have been on the verge of an emotional and mental breakdown lately due to things going just completely wrong from all angles in my life.

Yesterday this culminated in a teary sob-fest in front of my boss after he berated me for something minor. I think he was so put off by his otherwise cheery employee melting down in front of him he had no idea what to do. He kind of did the "awkward-pat-on-the-back" move, followed by the "i-have-to-ask-you-this-but-i'm-really-uncomfortable-'do-you-want-to-talk-about-it?'-please-say-no-dear-lord-just-say-no". I didn't subject him to an emo pow wow.

Whatever mistake I had made earlier really didn't matter at this point.

I'm pretty embarrassed I cried in front of him but I honestly couldn't hold in the water works. It felt like weeks of let downs and put downs had materialized into tangible tears and they were on a mission to escape. At one point I wasn't even crying, tears were just flowing out from my faucety eyes. Le sigh.

Oh well, cathartic freak out aside, I feel much better today.

On to the outfits! I just got my new rainboots in the mail:

These boots come in several colors and are originally sold at Target. I ordered mine off of Amazon for like $5 less. They are clearly modeled after Hunter boots but for a fraction of the price. I can't imagine them being any less durable or anyone even remotely being able to tell the difference. For anyone else on a budget, you can't beat this boot.

I've read some blogger opinions on rain boots that say darker, more basic colored ones are more versatile style wise. However, it doesn't rain everyday and it is also rare to get away with crazy patterns on your shoes (I usually wear crazy socks to rebel a little). I chose a happy medium- nothing too wild, but a little lilac edge for a rainy day pick me up.

Forecast says rain tomorrow- can't wait to try them out!


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